Saturday, October 04, 2008


When claiming that Rich Lowry wrote the single most embarrassing item I've ever read, I forgot that Jeff Goldstein has started writing again for the right-wing blog Protein Wisdom.

Here's the latest nugget from Goldstein (quoted in full).

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, abridged, 33 (classical liberal edition)

The bike with the biggest seat carries the most riders; but the bike with the best seat worries about only one.

Goldstein is such a rare talent! Just ask him.

My apologies to Lowry.


Anonymous said...

My brother has a mungous ass and requires a large, cushioned seat for his bicycle. I have a much smaller ass and am perfectly fine with my weathered, hard-plastic seat. I realize my bicycle is not a motorcycle, but I think the same theory applies. What should I take from that?

Ric Caric said...

"Goldstein says" you should try sitting left-handed.