Thursday, August 06, 2009

Obama's 200 Day Triumph

The Obama administration has been in office for 200 days and Obama is carrying through on his campaign promises concerning energy legislation and health care. RNC chair Michael Steele is surprised and disturbed that Obama is not governing like a Republican president.
Obama's first 200 days in office should be seen for exactly what they are: a clear indication of where he intends to direct America during his presidency. It is a direction that rams massive spending bills through Congress in the name of economic stimulus and job creation, it is a direction that masks a costly job-killing national energy tax in environmentalism, and it is a direction that looks to put federal bureaucracy between patients and their doctors all in the guise of reducing costs and expanding coverage. America simply can't afford the president's experiments.

Of course, if Obama wanted to act like a real Republican leader, all he would have to do is resign on a whim, seduce his best friend's wife, or spend quality time with a mistress in South America.

Otherwise, he'll just have to struggle through.


Todd Mayo said...

“Obama's first 200 days in office should be seen for exactly what they are: a clear indication of where he intends to direct America during his presidency.”- RNC Chair Michael Steele….Let’s pause right there for a moment……………………………….......................................................................................................................................................Okay that’s enough. Did it sink in? The Chairman of the RNC says, that President Obama's first 200 days in office tell us where he intends “ to direct America during his presidency.” Where was this man when then-candidate Obama was articulating his vision and his positions from June or July 2008- Nov 2008? He told voters what he would attempt to achieve. They listened. They liked it. He won.
The “clear indication” was there even during the primaries. It was almost identical to then Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s vision differing mostly in approach.
Does Steele have a problem with elected officials who make promises and try to keep them as best they can? Given his party affiliation and some of his other comments I suppose the answer to that would be “yes.” He’s been hanging out with the wrong crowd for too long. (Spike Lee fans…think “Bamboozled”)…So, Michael Steele “dances for the man”, and becomes “top token” at the RNC. Oh happy day!! This is the point in my comments when I start listing all the ways in which the African-American community continues to be screwed by mostly republican policies but with the help of southern “Blue Dog” Democrats. But we know all of that. How can Michael Steele be oblivious to it? Clearly because he WANTS to be oblivious. Like Condi Rice, Michael Steele chose long ago to purge his true heritage. He bleached his mind in the same manner as Condi Rice and the results are the same. The token chairman. The token NSA Director, then Secretary of State.
I wonder if at the end of the day, when they are face-to-face with the person in the mirror, do they recognize the person staring back at them? I began writing this comment with contempt for Michael Steele’s remarks. I end it feeling rather sorry for Mr. Steele. He purged so much and submerged so much….how empty he must feel.
I hope he thinks it was all worth it when he is old and retired. It wasn’t worth it but I truly hope that people like Steele, and Condi Rice will live blissfully unaware of what they gave up and how little they got in return. I don’t have the stomach to hope that they will grow old and become tortured and bitter when they realize that they could have done great things…and they blew it all for phony acceptance from people who never really wanted anything to do with them.
Very sad.

Unknown said...

Who is going to pay for Obama's vision? Grandchildren. Good job!