Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Protein Wisdom Bites the Dust

It looks like RSI's encounter with Proteinwisdom was too much for right-wing blogger Jeff Goldstein. He appears to have closed up shop. From the appearance of Goldstein's endorsement list though, it looks like the fluff right is a going concern. Just what the world needs!


Anonymous said...

I miss them already.

student x said...

Are you serious? You hardly even made a blip on my radar screen, professor.

I answered all of your comments, and offered on several occasions to debate you on the issues you've raised.

You, in turn, ran away.

And who can blame you? As I intimated in an earlier comment, you are the intellectual equivalent of a spot of bad Mexican food: predictable going down, and given to repeating on those who make the mistake of swallowing what you have to offer.

The idea that your feckless, flaccid, and pretentious mental droopings had anything whatever to do with my site -- which has been around since 2001 -- shutting down for a bit, is laughable.

And that you could, for a moment, believe you hold that kind of intellectual power is a testament to your own delusions.

Face it, professor: maybe those evals you've been getting aren't the product of dumb undergraduates not grasping your genius.

Instead, maybe they just see you for what you are: a tired and remarkably average scholar who is trying so desperately to find an edginess that it would come as no surprise to me were you show up to class one day wearing an earring and parachute pants -- and dropping a little bit of Maya Angelou while you tap on some kettle drums.

Christ, what an ego!

Anonymous said...

You expected something else, Jeff?

Answer this, if RSI had closed after the encounter would you not have postulated that it was due to your superior argumentations? Being the right wing twit that you are, of course you would. Yet, as is the case with all right wingers, you try to promote some higher morale authority by attacking Dr. Caric for doing the very thing you were probably chomping at the bit to do yourself. Give me a break!

Ric Caric said...

Your claims about my insignificance would be more convincing if you hadn't chosen to visit the day after your "retirement." Or looked up my "Rate Your Professor Comments," or try to work with the balky technology to get your comments on the site or worked up the energy to think up so many "fluffy" type insults. Either I'm pretty significant in your mental world or you're just a real sensitive kind of guy. Maybe both.

Anonymous said...

Yes Jeff, I believe you are one of those "sensitive guys." Mark Foley comes to mind...Is he a relative or were you a paige?

Pablo said...


Funny stuff, Perfessor. That your desire is to have emulated Deb Frisch is deliriously funny, overwhelmingly pathetic and very telling. But if you really want to show off your chops, you could just pick up where you left off in your apparently customary cowardly fashion. There is a debate on the table, so don't pretend that anything has been abdicated to you. It just looks silly.


Of course, you and I both know that you don't have it in you to defend your blather.

Pablo said...

Todd, are you casting aspersions on gay folks? Are you some sort of hater?

Ric Caric said...

Debate over what--whether Fred Thompson was involved in a lesbian marraige? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Ric Caric said...

To Pablo--I did go through a couple permutations on that thread. Unfortunately, the thread wouldn't take any more of my comments. Jeff G had some problems getting on my site is well. But he's right about my opinion concerning color-blindness. It's now the dominant form of racism in the U. S.

Ric Caric said...

Pablo. Also homophobia. The initial at least 85 comment thread in response to Jeff G's linking my "weenie boy" post was filled with homophobic bigotry toward lesbians. My impression was that you folks were all super-bigots ("fluff bigots" but still bigots). I haven't seen anything to contradict that.

Anonymous said...

Sarcasm Pablo. Nothing more.