Thursday, May 10, 2007

Where Incompetence is King

There is a story on Fox about the Rove/Gonzales Justice Department investigating Michael Moore for violating the embargo on Cuba when he took chronically ill 9-11 first responders to Havana to receive health care.

Talk about the Alberto Gonzales of investigations. This investigation is so stupid it had to be approved by Gonzales himself.

Moore's latest film Sicko opens in Cannes next week. Moore couldn't have gotten more and better publicity for the new film than a federal investigation if he had an advertising budget of $500 mill. I bet the party at Moore's residence will still be going tomorrow at noon.

At the very least, Michael Moore should thank Alberto Gonzales by putting in a plug for the Bush administration at the end of the credits:

"The Bush Administration: Where Incompetence is King!"

1 comment:

retro_liberal said...

I'm looking forward to Michael Moore's new movie, but I gotta say, his best so far is Bowling for Columbine. Hope you feel better Dr. Caric.