Monday, May 28, 2007

Hillary: A Role Model Conservative Wife

The New York Daily News claims that Hillary campaign might be hurt by new books because "voters will be reminded of the Clintons' endless personal dramas."

I doubt it.

The biggest revelation today from Carl Bernstein's A Woman in Charge is that Bill wanted to divorce Hillary in favor of a power company executive in 1989 but that Hillary refused him because of her concerns for Chelsea.

"What if she were on her own? She didn't own a house. She was concerned that if she were to become a single parent, how would she make it work in a way that would be good for Chelsea?"

The right-wing opposes divorce because it creates single-parent families that conservative writers believe are harmful to children. Conservatives urge men and women to give their marriages every possible chance. Isn't this exactly what Hillary Clinton did when confronted by Bill's disloyalty and infidelity? She thought of her daughter's welfare first and told one of her friends that "there are worse things than infidelity."

Sounds like a role model for a conservative wife to me. Maybe James Dobson should have her on his show.


Vigilante said...

Take this poll!

Ric Caric said...

I went with "he wants to sleep with Bill." Like Bush and Cheney, Matthews is a big man-love kind of guy.