Sunday, January 04, 2009

Speed Bump in the Sit-Com Life

Mrs. RSI and I joined some friends for an evening in Huntington, WV on Saturday. We had dinner, shared some wine, and made some witty comments. I told an especially funny story about how I got a new package from UPS every day.

A gratifying and relaxing evening was had by all.

Well, not exactly.

Let's begin with Mrs. RSI. She had been struggling all week with mold at her mother's house in Florida and was looking forward to coming home on Saturday. But the first sign of pratfalls to come happened when connecting flight to Atlanta was delayed for a couple of hours in Sarasota.

It turned out that delay didn't matter. That's because because she was delayed for eight hours by fog and mechanical problems in the Atlanta airport. Finally, a weary Mrs. RSI was able to catch a flight for Charleston, WV rather than her initial destination of Lexington, KY.

And even the Atlanta delay had an element of luck. Mrs. RSI's Delta ticket said Sarasota to Atlanta to Lexington but the Delta computer had Sarasota to Atlanta to Memphis to Cincinnati to Lexington.

Given weather conditions and "mechanical difficulties," it might have taken her a week to make that trip.

Although Mrs. RSI's luggage did arrive at the Lexington Airport sometime around midnight.

My day was a lot simpler. Following up on Friday night's awful virus disaster, I spent seven hours on the phone with Microsoft and McAfee technicians where I battled their technicians to a standstill. It turned out that my almost complete ignorance of computers was well-matched with the impenetrable South Asian accents of the technicians.

Let's just say that progress was slow.

But I did get to have dinner with our friends in Huntington and thoroughly enjoyed our package discussion.

Then I had to drive to Charleston to pick up Mrs. RSI. Fortunately, I got lost three times going to the Chuck Yeager Airport in Charleston and got to the airport only one hour before Mrs. RSI's much delayed flight.

And then we had a lot of laughs driving to the hotel in Huntington and telling each other about all the disasters we had barely avoided.

Yes, the sit-com life.

Nothing better.

However, when we were getting ready to leave this morning, we saw that our car had been vandalized. Somebody pulled the front bumper away from the car and almost sliced totally through the bumper.

I think it will be covered by insurance but it's nasty stuff.

And, having hit one of the speed bumps in our sit-com way of living, we drove our battered car home.

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