Thursday, November 20, 2008

Where the RSI Family Went Wrong

Dear Mrs. RSI is now headed to Louisville to bring clothes to Miss Tween RSI who is on a school trip and seems to have thrown up all over the place. Unfortunately, Miss Tween RSI has a hair trigger gag reflex and throws up a lot. While Mrs. RSI was getting ready, she needed to borrow Miss Teen RSI's cell phone so she could call me while she was in Louisville. But Miss Teen RSI is incredibly absent-minded. So we had to tear down half the house before we found the stupid phone in a car.

Of course, Mrs. RSI couldn't find her own cell phone either.

And therein lies the problem with the RSI children.

They inherited our genes.

1 comment:

James said...

I love this post. It appears that we have passed our genes on to our son as well. He's doomed.