Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Positive Note on Dingell. If I had been a Democratic member of the House of Representatives, I would have voted for Henry Waxman of California to replace John Dingell of Michigan as chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee. A consistent opponent of environmental legislation because of his ties to the automobile industry, John Dingell is as responsible as anyone for the failure of U. S. Government to meaningfully address environmental issues.

Having said that, I'm still admire John Dingell. When the Gingrich Republicans took over in 1994, John Dingell was already 68 years old and he could have joined a lot of senior Democrats in retiring to something cushy. But Dingell stayed and fought back against the Republicans. And fought hard. Dingell is one of the reasons why the Democrats have returned to the majority and deserves credit even if he no longer deserves his chair position.

1 comment:

AnnCoulterScaresChildren said...

I don't understand how someone could serve that chair with such an obvious conflict of interests. I heard the Dingell had a General Motors tattooed across his chest and a Ford logo tattooed on his butt.