Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hacking Sarah Palin's e-mail

Hacking Sarah Palin's e-mail was illegal, morally wrong, and nastily malicious. I can't see where it was anything other than an electonic form of break and entering and burglary. I'm not big on throwing people in jail for this kind of thing, but I do believe that the perpetrators owe Palin a few years worth of their income.


E.N. Collins said...

This just illustrates to me the technical gap the GOP could bring to office. They have no technology plan nor do they have any plan to hire a Chief Informations Officer within their regime. This is a plan Obama has had in place since day one and he actually understands the value of a technology plan for this country. He spoke at Google and proved he has a very good grasp on the benefits of net neutrality and also stressed the importance of getting America wired via fiber optic for the 21st century as this will play a key role to truly compete in new markets. Palin should have been using her .gov email to begin with due to the fact she was using her yahoo email for gov business. If someone is this inept and also technologically deficient they should not be running for higher office. The only reason I could in any way care about her privacy would be that this act may victimize her in someway and and by doing so effect the publics opinion of her.

jinchi said...

A few years worth of their income? What if they're 15 years old?

jinchi said...

Scratch that. He's a stupid college kid. He's still likely broke, though.