Wednesday, August 06, 2008

UK Dismisses Quarterback

The University of Kentucky football team dismissed junior quarterback Curtis Pulley from the team yesterday. Pulley had a couple of minor scrapes this summer, getting busted for pot and driving with a suspended license.

But according to UK coach Rich Brooks, "new facts" emerged that made it necessary to give Pulley the boot.

It's too bad.

Pulley reminds me of my nephew Vinnie Soprano in my hometown of Waverly, NY (and yes, I am related to the Sopranos). Vinnie constantly got into little scrapes and my sister had to take endless trips to the high school to work out the consequences of his latest misdeeds.

But people in the family never worried much about Vinny because he was a really nice kid. We all agreed that we had done much worse things than Vinny but that Vinny seemed to get caught every time he did something wrong or illegal.

That seems to be the case with Pulley. From all appearances, he's an ok guy who just gets caught a lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

True of us all.