Saturday, May 24, 2008

Turning Eleven

Last week, Miss Tween RSI turned 11 and her eleventh annual birthday party is today. She's full of legs, strong, finds school to be easy, likes National Treasure 2 and High School Musical more than any sane person could stand, gets car sick a lot during trips, and has a boyfriend who calls her every day.

Her mom and dad used to worry a lot about Miss Tween RSI because she was accident-prone in such dangerous ways. She seemed to have a special talent for hitting her head against things.

Now that Miss Tween's just accident-prone in the usual pre-teen ways, her parents no longer heave a sigh of relief and give a toast to having "kept her alive for another year." That makes the eleventh annual birthday party a lot more enjoyable.

P. S.--Advice to parents out there--if you don't have the first birthday party, you won't feel a bizarre obligation to hold the eleventh.


a said...

Uh oh -- too late! Ada turns 1 on Thursday, and we've already invited the grandparents over for cake on Saturday. We're doomed to several more years of cupcakes and pinatas, I guess.

And happy birthday to "Miss Tween RSI!"

- Amanda M.

Ric Caric said...

Happy B'day to Ada next week. But the pinatas will only be the beginning.