Friday, March 14, 2008

Bring on the Blood

My humble opinion is that the fight between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is more like the legendarily pathetic brawl between Julius Erving and Larry Bird in 1984 than a real championship fight.

Or even a hockey brawl

But serious and important journalists are starting to get antsy about the Democratic bloodbath. So, I'm going to take a second or two to be worried about the whole thing.

. . . . . .

Well, I'm glad that's over.

My point is that people like myself have been urging the Democrats to be tougher for a long time now. Why should we recoil now that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are finally starting to bloody each other up after "only" 15 months of campaigning?

So bring on the blood.

Personally, I'm glad that Clinton and Obama are learning how to dish out the pain. Given that Democrats have been taking it for so long, watching Hillary and Barack be aggressive is a refreshing change.

Everybody connected with the Democratic Party needs to toughen. The candidates need to develop thicker skins and longer claws. Democratic and independent voters should get used to seeing a little political gore on their computer and tv screens. And liberal op-ed writers and reporters need to stop being such all-consuming wimps.

Tough times are ahead. If Clinton or Obama wins, they're going to be facing the mess in Iraq, a recession, and a heavy load of financial and abuse of power scandals left over from the Bush administration.

No doubt, some right-wing twit will be talking about "treason in the White House" even before the winner moves in.

Any Democratic president is going to get an extremely rough ride. So, they might as well prepare for it now.

And I'm still supporting Hillary.


Anonymous said...

If this was a boxing match between Hillary and Obama, Hillary would have a pair of brass knuckles inside her boxing gloves. Obama had better watch out. The Clinton machine is well equipped to dish it out. If a knock down drag out fight is under way then the Queen of the dark side has the upper hand. With Bill lurking in the shadows ready to pop out behind any dark moment to bushwhack Obama there is sure to be blood on the street before its over (figuratively of course at least we hope). This is what makes campaigns what they are -- a street fight that they whole world will watch. Hillary has been in the trenches for a long time and throwing verbal hand grenades has been her campaign specialty. Volleys of media missiles will be forthcoming before the PA primary. Everyone indicates that the two have to watch out not to damage the Dem's chances against McCain in the fall. Heck, there is little worry there coming from campaign managers. Hillary is the sure favorite in this political cage match with Obama. Nobody underestimates Obama's Teflon charm and wit on the stump, but he lacks battle experience that Hillary has gained and endured for how many years…standing by her man through the finger wagging years of Bill and such. Rest your worried soul about the blood. In the end your woman gladiator will get the thumbs up from the Caesars of the Democratic Party to be president. Obama will be left in the middle of the arena bloody and staggering, wondering what hit him. Once the Hillary camp turns the lions loose in the stadium all it will take is one bad move on his part to bring him down. This one will get "R" rated before it's over. Both teams have been reviewing video tapes of the last few years of Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Royal Rumble and all the others to check out those cage match moves that wow the crowd and takes out their opponent. …And you know what? This is what the masses want. You go to NASCAR to see the crash, the hockey game for the fight, the football game for the big hits, and etc. Fueled by 24/7 news shows with political pundits coming out of the woodwork. This is a political news junkie's dream. The big battle of the summer between Hillary and Obama … and right now Hillary has the moves to put the body slam on Obama. Let's see what he's got!

Anonymous said...

Well sir I don't especially agree that the acrymony between Senators
Clinton and Obama is helpful. It weakens them both and other Democrats seeking office. Candidates for House and Senate seats won't to whom they should give their loyalty.

I do agree though that the party we share has a mess to clean up and no one can do it better. Also, for what it's worth I congratulate you for showing some rather reluctant but genuine loyalty. I have begun to respect you as a fellow Social Democrat despite the fact that you allow yourself all too often to engage in and respond to the very ridiculous grade-school taunts. I have purused your archives and discovered several instances where you allowed your arrogance trump your good sense. You take this blog and yourself too seriously but it is good to know there is a regular guy beneath the rhetoric.