Thursday, April 08, 2010

Needs More Rehab

Disgraced former New York Governor Eliott Spitzer muses about getting back into politics. I'd probably vote for Tiger Woods first.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Duke Anti-Christs Win! Apocalypse Begins

Oh God! The Devil's favorite team, the Duke University Anti-Christs won the NCAA basketball championship. Fire and Brimstone start tomorrow. The survivalists are right. The world is coming to an end.

Jamie Dimon: Most Dangerous?

As part of their coverage of the politics of financial reform, Huffington Post published an article last week by Simon Johnson calling Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon the most dangerous banker in American history.

But it's not a strong case.

Johnson's main reasoning is that Dimon is dangerous because he has a lot of credibility stemming from the fact that he steered Morgan Chase away from all of the speculative strategies that led to the last crunch.

That means that Dimon could have a big role in influencing financial reform to the interest of big banks like Morgan Chase.

That may be the case.

But the most dangerous bankers in America are still trying to leverage CDO's and other bad debt into huge bonuses.