Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Quack, Quack McCain

I knew that McCain was going to do something big in relation to the Friday debate. He doesn't have any traction on the bailout issue at all and is starting to fall farther behind.

But I didn't realize that McCain's big move would be ducking the debate altogether.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is unbelievable. McCain skipping the one debate that he has a clear advantage with the American people. This is further desperation from the republicans and should scare voters. The move is another political stunt meant to show "true leadership", but it shows more poor planning and "leadership" from John McCain. I would have understood McCain's decision if the debates were honest and forced candidates to actually be candid and not have rehearsed lines for weeks and the debate was switched to the topic on every voter's mines--the economy.