Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sleepy RSI's

John McCain's acceptance speech wasn't exactly riveting to the RSI family. Out of the whole RSI clan, I was the only one who stayed awake for the whole thing. Grandma RSI and Miss Teen RSI fell asleep down at Uncle RSI's house. Up at RSI world headquarters, Mrs. RSI was also snoozing away.

John McCain wasn't going to get any votes out of the RSI family, but only keeping one out of four people awake still isn't good.

The delegates were pretty sleepy at the Republican convention as well. Some were yawning. Many looked haggard and exhausted. Three days of hard partying, big-time Sarah Palin gossip, and uninspired standing ovations were just too much for a lot of the older Republicans.

Not that the younger ones were doing any better.

Either the Republican Party needs to do better with young people or they should start bringing in "replacement delegates" from India and China for the final night.

They need the diversity anyway.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good commentary. I too was yawning, but determined to watch every minute of the RNC as I did the DNC. I am currently too mentally exhausted from the visceral reaction to the pandering and outright lies at the DNC to comment coherently, but your right about McCain, self-promotion is the only issue he cares about. There is no way a man can level a charge of elitism while owning 7 houses and having a wife who wears a $300,000 outfit. Hypocrite! I think Mario Cuomo actually said it best when he stated that it was unbelievable that a candidate asks you to give your life for your country but not your money. Thanks again!

Ric Caric said...

Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate your comments.

Anonymous said...

It has been said that this election is not on the issues but on the personalities. McCain's self promotion and Palin's choice are more on personality than issues. Obama is being accused of being a personality that lacks experience on the issues. It seems to be the case. The issues have gotten lost in it all. Political debates are meant to address the issues and I hope they accomplish that if they have them. I heard Palin's speech in Wisconsin today and it was word for word the same material that she gave at the convention. Nothing new there on issues. About McCain, I would rather be put to sleep with his self promoting speech than be raked in the eyes with an empty Palin speech. The whole campaign is being reduced to a circus atmosphere without substance. I guess a circus is always a lot more fun than a serious debate of the issues. Biden is about the only one who isn't a real personality. He is rather bland, but would probably be the best on knowing where he is on the issues, like him or not.