Tuesday, June 03, 2008

"The worst is death, and death will have his day"

This quote from Shakespeare's Richard II came to mind today as I was driving home from a visitation in Danville, KY for the infant son of one of the best of my former students.

It was tremendously sad. The poor little guy was born with a dwarfism condition that made it impossible for him to breathe on his own. Eventually, the parents agreed to take him off the ventilator to save him from further suffering and he died yesterday.

It all must have been tremendously painful.

As someone who survived a traumatic infant injury, I've always been impressed with the tenacity of life in all of its forms.

But yesterday, death did have his day.


Anonymous said...

"survived a traumatic infant injury"

You mean when you were dropped on your head at age 7 months?

Anonymous said...

That's an original comeback! Congrats!