Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Downside of Atheism

I've always been pretty open about being an atheist. I even announced myself as a "stone atheist" at a public forum on Church v State at a forum in 2006.

But the downside of public atheism is that I find myself talking about religion a lot more than I ever thought would be necessary.

Or possible.

For Easter, a local minister was interested in my comments on why I didn't believe in the resurrection of Jesus.

I guess he wanted to spice up his sermon.

Yesterday, a couple of the honors students invited me to a "Questions of Faith" activity in which I was totally out of place.

If it turns out that Christians are right about god, Jesus, hell, and all that, I imagine that I'll be punished by being forced to talk about Jesus for the rest of eternity.

But I guess that why it's hell.

1 comment:

Simon said...

Tell them they're all nihilists.