Monday, March 03, 2008

A Hillary Mini-Surge

Today's Bump for Hillary. Talking Points Memo reports a couple of polls that show Hillary widening her lead in Ohio and closing on Obama in Texas. Good for her. But I don't think it's anything she's doing. Instead, it looks like the right-wing's and mainstream media's attacks on Obama's patriotism are having an impact.

Mrs. RSI Approves. Although Mrs. RSI has been a steady Obama supporter, she was glad to see that Hillary is doing better in the polls. She doesn't want Hillary to be "humiliated" in the sense of seeing the media dance on her grave. Of course, the only way for the loser between Hillary or Obama to emerge relatively "un-humiliated" is to be nominated for the Veep slot.

What Awaits the Next Democratic President. I haven't seen anybody put it in these terms yet, but one of the big headaches awaiting the next Democratic president is the lawlessness of the Bush administration. Of course, the real migraines are going to come from dealing with the Bush administration's illegal data mining, wiretapping, waterboarding and other torture techniques, and kidnapping (or extraordinary rendition) policies. It was all either a violation of American criminal law or a crime against humanity. I imagine that Hillary and Obama are both somewhat hopeful that the seemingly imminent passing of telecom immunity legislation will sweep the whole problem under the rug.

But they won't be so lucky with the DOJ scandals though. Paul Craig Roberts makes a compelling case that former Alabama governor Don Siegelman was railroaded into prison by the machinations of Karl Rove, DOJ attorneys, and an Alabama federal judge. It looks there's going to be a long investigation of the misconduct of federal prosecutors and their Washington bosses on that one. Meanwhile the judge in the case is withholding the trial transcripts as a way to block Siegelman's attorney's from filing an appeal. Disgusting!


Anonymous said...

"Instead, it looks like the right-wing's and mainstream media's attacks on Obama's patriotism are having an impact."

Of course all of this started with Hillary's campaign releasing the photo of Obama. And don't feed us this bullshit about it being a whiny staffer. That was something called opposition research. Now follow along I don't want to lose you.
When a campaign begins it commissions such research. Now that photo was the number 1 thing they found through there research. You know how I know this. It was released at the time she needed it the most. Now you might say, it was some low level staffer who gave it to Matt Drudge. Hello dumby, low level staff does not have access to such material. Very, very, very few people in the campaign would have access to this photo. The photo dropped, then hillary's 3AM ad, then she says "as far as I know" Obama is not a muslim. Bill Cunningham was just icing on the cake for them.

I love how you believe Hillary hasn't smeared or shamed Obama, it's the evil Republicans..grr. Because everyone knows its only the Republicans that run negative campaigns. You're such a joke. Really before you start commenting on politics and campaigns actually learn something about them.

Anonymous said...


The Siegelman story has been suppressed in Alabama mainly because of the three largest newspapers which are owned by Newhouse Publications which are part of Bush's left wing attack machine. Some of the smaller Independents newspapers have done a really good job of reporting the truth.

Alabama is controlled by corrupt politicians, top elected state judges and Bush appointed federal judges.

Siegelman had to be taken care so Bob Riley could become governor of Alabama. Riley is being groomed as a future GOP candidate for vice president. Being a past congressman wasn't enough, he needed to have experience as a governor. To give him a record of success Bush's left wing supporters mainly U.S. senators and congressmen have allowed Riley to take all credit for the millions of dollars of large government/military contracts and government grants that have magically flowed into Alabama.

Anonymous said...

"Really before you start commenting on politics and campaigns actually learn something about them."

That's why Caric is teaching at Morehead State. He creates his own reality, fancying himself as a hillbilly version of Larry Sabato.

It's pathetic and sad, really.

Anonymous said...

You know what they say, those who can't do, teach.