Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Will the Bush Administration Assassinate Larry Craig?

It looks like Larry Craig might be deciding to leave some wiggle room in his resignation from the Senate which means that the "Larry Craig Sex Scandal Show" might still be running as Gen. Petraeus pulls into Washington for his "Save the Surge" Campaign.

So, what will the Bush administration do about it?

The Larry Craig scandal serves as a constant reminder of the incompetence and hypocrisy of the Bush administration and Republican leadership at what everyone views as a crucial moment in the Iraq War.

As a result, a Bush administration assassination plot to eliminate Craig can't be ruled out.

There are lots of reasons why is this the case?

One can't say that the Bush administration respects human life. After 9-11, Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff David Addington was mooning over the prospect of one more terrorist bomb making it possible to eliminate the FISA restrictions on administration wiretapping altogether.

Lovely guy. But if Addington was hoping for more terrorist attacks on American soil, what's to keep him from advocating murder on American soil?

What about respect for the law?

If there's anything that's obvious in the world, it's that the Bush administration has no respect for any body of law. Not only did the Bush administration violate American and/or international law to torture terror suspects in American facilities, send terror suspects to other countries to be tortured, and engage in warrantless wiretapping, but they gloried in it.

If the Bush administration has no concern about torturing and killing foreigners, what about the various taboos on official murder and political assassination in the United States.

Perhaps those taboos would hold in the case of Larry Craig, but I don't see any reason why anyone would consider that to be a sure thing. Here's an example of a Karl Rove campaign tactic from an Alabama judicial race.
"We were trying to counter the positives from that ad," a former Rove staffer told me, explaining that some within the See camp initiated a whisper campaign that Kennedy was a pedophile. "It was our standard practice to use the University of Alabama Law School to disseminate whisper-campaign information," the staffer went on. "That was a major device we used for the transmission of this stuff. The students at the law school are from all over the state, and that's one of the ways that Karl got the information out—he knew the law students would take it back to their home towns and it would get out." This would create the impression that the lie was in fact common knowledge across the state. "What Rove does," says Joe Perkins, "is try to make something so bad for a family that the candidate will not subject the family to the hardship. Mark is not your typical Alabama macho, beer-drinkin', tobacco-chewin', pickup-drivin' kind of guy. He is a small, well-groomed, well-educated family man, and what they tried to do was make him look like a homosexual pedophile. That was really, really hard to take."
A lot of Karl Rove's repulsion as a political operative lies in his willingness to break social taboos about truth-telling, bigotry-mongering, and attempting to personally destroy people in order to pursue his political objectives. Of course, Rove himself has resigned, but all of his proteges have been trained in the same school of political repulsion.

If that's the case, one wonders by what moral principle, strategic conviction, or tactical consideration the Rove disciples in the White House political operation would stop short of killing someone who was upsetting their plans.

I'm not saying that the White House is going to assassinate Craig, but I can't honestly think of any principle or consideration that would prevent them from doing so.

Maybe Larry Craig should peak over his shoulder once in a while.


Anonymous said...

This is full on crazy, even for you, Professor Caric.

How is Senator Craig's daliance in any way reflective on the Bush Administration or the surge?

I thought that under the Clinton standard, one's sexual life was private. Now, with Rogers and their ilk, the standard has changed to liberal homosexuals private lives are private.

Good company you keep. Watch out for the black helicopters. Stock up on tin foil.

Anonymous said...

Remember, Caric is not suggesting that this will happen, he is just asking the tough questions. Is this what passes as scholarly thought at Morehead?

Anonymous said...

Is this a scholarly blog?

Professor, they wouldn't because they would see it as wrong. See, George and his pals are inefficient and incompetent, not actually evil. Sure, their policy prescriptions are terrible, but they are well-meaning. It's like having a 70 foot tall baby. When he smashes your house (in Baghdad), you can't really blame him for doing it on purpose, since the whole thing is a surprise to him!

Bush is a clown.

Anonymous said...

No, timmah, do not stray from The Narrative. We are evil, racist, sexist, and homophobic.

Anonymous said...

This post really is jaw dropping in its idiocy.

Anonymous said...

It's not much of a leap to imagine that Rove, Bush, and Cheney would be capable of eliminating people. It requires no imagination at all. They do it every day.

How many American soldiers deaths have they been responsible for? How many innocent Iraqis? Far and away too many. One of either was too much.

Rove, Bush, and co. do not regard human life. People are expendible to them. They are psychotic, sociopathic people. Mental hospitals are full of people like them. They walk as free people today because they have what most sociopaths lack; money and power.

If I were Senator Craig, I'd watch my back.

Anonymous said...

The narrative is you and BJ and B Moe and Dan and Jeff (shockingly and ironically, you use their ideas and phrases to accuse others of not thinking for themselves). Please don't forget, BJ, errr, JD, my ideas come from me; you are the sock-puppet, not I.

And I quote: Jeff – you have a brilliant mind, made even more impressive with your ability to put those thoughts into written form, in a manner which makes sense to people that do not share your academic credentials. Considering the fact that I understand what you write, shows the extent of your ability to illuminate a point, sans punctuation.

Ric Caric said...

What I'm concerned with is the Bush administration's "politics of repulsion." In that context, the question is whether there are any moral principles that would limit what the Bush administration would do to pursue the war in Iraq. The vicious things Karl Rove did to win elections, the felonies that Bush and Cheney authorized in the interrogation of suspects, and the crimes against humanity involved in Guantanamo and extraordinary rendition are all matters of public record. Given that the Bush administration has done these things, it's appropriate to raise of what lines they wouldn't cross and why? What would be so odious about murdering an embarrassment like Larry Craig if doing so would ensure that the administration comes out ahead in September. Or murdering a domestic opponent like Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi?

Anonymous said...

Your politics is personal schtick is laughable, and quite telling. That you could even imagine that President Bush would order the assassination of a sitting US Senator is well within tinfoil hat territory.

Ric Caric said...

It doesn't take much to imagine Dick Cheney or David Addington ordering such a thing. Nor does it take much imagination to see the right-wing attack media as justifying it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Prof. Caric, it takes a lot to arrive at such a deranged position. It takes end-stage BDS, coupled with an unhealthy level of paranoia. This is by far your most ridiculous, laughable, and outright krazy post ever, which is quite an accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

I think you should submit this post to the NY Times, LA Times, tpmcafe, Kos, and firedoglake. Make sure that everyone knows your genius.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to pop in an mention that Caric, with this post, has ascended to the very summit of Mount Stupid and planted his flag.

Anonymous said...

That is the Everest of Stupidity. Sir Edmund Caric, we salute you.

Anonymous said...

As much as I liked my comment, I had one of those "that's what I should have said" moments completely after.

Once I thought about I developed this hilarious, elaborate tale parodying Lord of the Rings.... It would have been great. I guess I'll save it for when caric realizes that the other side of Mount Stupid has a nice shear cliff from which he can dive off into the canyon of absurdity. I really am reaching now.

Anonymous said...

Prof. Caric tried to top this one with the "OBL consulting with Rove" post, but this one is still by far teh most krazy.

Anonymous said...

Ludicrous even by Caric's standards.