Monday, September 03, 2007

It Must Be Love

Mrs. RSI is recovered enough from her carpal tunnel surgery that she went into her office to do some charting. There's a sort of magic about recovery capacities. One minute Mrs. RSI can't make her hand comfortable at all. The next she's back to work.

There's also a magic about Mrs. RSI. I've been pretty much enveloped by a heavy sadness ever since I found out that my friend Greg had a bad form of stomach cancer.

But just watching a movie with Mrs. RSI dispelled the gloom. It was like I'd been sprinkled with fairy dust. I felt fifty pounds lighter when the movie was over.

Notting Hill is okay but not that great of a movie.

It must be love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of all the bad romantic comedies in the world, I do enjoy that one the most.