Thursday, August 09, 2007

RSI Offers to Appear on Fox

According toTPM, the top Democrats are boycotting Fox as part of their effort to "get tough" with the right-wing media and TPM has a nice video of Neil Cavuto's whining about the lack of Democrats to respond to President Bush. The beginning of the push-back was the refusal of the Democratic presidential candidates to appear on a Fox presidential debate. Then, Elizabeth Edwards challenged Ann Coulter bigoted smear tactics over the air and lately Hillary Clinton's been bragging about fighting the right-wing for fifteen years are all evidence of spine among Democratic politicians.

Finally! After all these years!

But Fox still needs people to express the liberal side for the benefit of the right-wing propoganda machine.

And Red State Impressions is willing to meet that need. Yes, I'm willing to sacrifice my integrity, my reputation, and my future as a left-wing blogger to appear on the same sinkhole network as Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly. True, my wife would divorce me, my children would disown me, my colleagues would stop talking to me, and my friends wouldn't admit they know me. But I still would answer the call from Fox if it came.

I believe in helping others as much as I can and Fox certainly needs help.


Anonymous said...

Ric, that's taking one for the team if ever I've seen it. LOL. Only problem is, you'd be seen but not heard. They'd cut your audio and all anyone would hear is right-wing trash talk. Still, a brave offer.

Anonymous said...

Your post is proof positive that to the Left the politics are personal. Your wife would leave you and your colleagues would no longer talk to you? Maybe you are not giving them enough credit.

Anonymous said...

To complain that fox doesn't give fair air time to Left/Dem causes/messages and then refuse to participate when they propose to dedicate a substatial amount of time is beyond idiotic. The dems have chosen to not spread their message to one of the largest cable audiences while complaining that others aren't willing to do it.

It shows that the dems are most interested in having Fox as a bogeyman, not in the actual quality/balance of their coverage.

Anonymous said...

We will gladly trade you the audience of FoxNews for ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Dateline, Good Morning American, 20/20, 60 minutes, the NY Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, and the LA Times. Deal ?

Anonymous said...

Even at 10 to 1 it would have to be considered a downgrade... throw in a future first round pick and we may be able to work something.