Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Peter Galbraith's War Take-Down

Peter Galbreath has a comprehensive critique of the war in Iraq in Salon. Galbreath is sober, thorough, tough-minded, and avoids unnecessary cheap shots at the Bush administration. He also concludes that there is no way for the war to have a positive ending for the U. S. Although there will be no al-Qaeda take-over of Iraq, there will be a Shiite/Sunni civil war. The Shiite central government will be closely allied with Iran and opposed to American policy.

There will be no peace, no secular democracy, and no American ally in the war on terror.

There will be no "victory."

Follow the link through. In my humble opinion, the article is a must read for anyone still on the fence about the war.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last week President Bush defended his war in Iraq saying it would be a disaster if we left. What about the disasters that occur every single day that we stay? Iraq is a full-fledged civil war. The cause of this unrest is Mr. Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Until that time there had been relative stability. And the Iraqi people are certainly faring no better under our occupation. The Iraqi Prime Minister has asked that our soldiers be withdrawn and he'll take his chances. And we ought to get out. There have been over 3500 deaths now. There have been around 26,000 Americans wounded, some very serious.Brain injuries, loss of limbs, eyes gouged out, the kind of injuries that certainly will interfere with these soldiers' ability to have a good quality of life, to be able to be employed because, unfortunately, they have found themselves in Iraq. These soldiers are very patriotic. When their President told them that we were in danger, that we were at risk, that somehow Saddam Hussein was responsible for weapons of mass destruction and 9/11, they eagerly and gladly signed up to go to war to defend their country, only to learn that there were no weapons of mass destruction nor were there ties to Osama Bin Laden.And then there are the deaths of Iraqis. Apparently they don't "count", but estimates range from 60,000 to 100,000. We have spent over $435 billion of taxpayer money. The total cost to our economy could be upwards of $2 trillion! It is time to face the facts. Bombs and bullets have not and will not bring us peace in Iraq. I've said all of this countless times and so have others but people have to be reminded that many Americans supported the President. A great many Members of Congress supported the President because they believed the President. They believed him when he said that he had to wage this war on terrorism because we were at risk and Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11.
So here we are. No weapons of mass destruction. We have destabilized Iraq. There is a civil war that is going on. Our people are targets as long as they are there. The American people will not tolerate this war much longer.