Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The End of the Day at the Local Pharmacy

A Local Note. Talking with the local pharmacists while they were closing up their store, I found out that meth makers usually came in at closing time to buy Sudafed. What made them meth makers rather than sinus sufferers was that they smelled like paint. How obvious can you get?

Why I don't like gambling. Steve Beshear, the Kentucky gubernatorial candidate who came through yesterday, advocates creating casino sites at Kentucky race tracks and on the Ohio River. But I don't like to see more gambling even though Beshear is right that holding gambling in Kentucky would allow the state of Kentucky to collect more taxes from gambling receipts. To expand gambling is to better enable another addiction at a time when Kentucky is laboring under a heavy load of meth, OxyContin, and nicotine addictions. A lot of people have severe food issues as well. I can see the state of Kentucky being constrained to collect gambling taxes, but there should be a way to discourage gambling even as they are taxing it.


retro_liberal said...

I have a serious eating condition, and from my perspective there aren't any societal infrastructures in place to help me deal with it. It's true, I did this to myself, however, a drug addict and an alcoholic both allowed themselves to become addicts. The blame game only serves to make someone feel worse about their condition. The majority of Kentuckians are overweight, many of us severely, but none of the candidates want to talk about health care very much except Bruce Lunsford and I'm skeptical that he will do anything to make health care accessible to people like me. Maybe I should Otis "Bullman" Hensley.

retro_liberal said...

Above is what I wrote, here is what I meant to write:

Maybe I should vote for Otis "Bullman" Hensley.

I'm a perfectionist.

Anonymous said...

"Food issues?"

You mean Kentuckians (especially eastern Kentuckians) eat tons of fast, junk food and don't exercise.

And by "don't exercise" I don't mean they don't run marathons or go to the gym. I mean they are too lazy to even walk from point A to point B. Every time I'm in the grocery store I see one of these lard-asses puttering around on a scooter, with their rolls of blubber spilling over the sides of the scooter. Wouldn't want to burn a fat cell, now would we?


God.Reagan.Rush said...

Your position on gambling almost sounds conservative. Maybe we should reconsider your "misrepresentation" award...

retro_liberal said...

Wow I'm glad someone took the gloves of....finally. If you would do your research you would find that eating disorders are linked to a variety of mental health issues. Not to mention that most Eastern Kentuckians have traditionally had a diet of lots of fatty meat and potatoes due to their agricultural heritage. Now, I freely admit I played the primary role in my weight issue; however, much like the alcoholic or the drug addict I have spun too far out of control to deal with the issue alone. It's nice to know that you form your impressions of people based solely on appearance and not on getting to know the actual person and their story. It validates my theory of humanity. :)