Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Down to George W., Laura, and the dog?

Last fall, President Bush said he wouldn't withdraw from Iraq even if Laura and his dog Barney were the only ones supporting him.

Well, it's almost gotten to that.

According to a Washington Post report today, the support for President Bush's plan to increase the American troop presence in Baghdad is limited to White House aides, hawks like John McCain, and think tank neo-conservatives like Frederick Kagan. Everybody else--most of the military brass, the Democratic majority in Congress, and public opinion are opposed to the President. The split in public opinion is interesting. A majority of the American public opposes the surge by a small 48%-45% margin. But disapproval of the surge is somewhat of a velvet glove over the iron fist of 72% disapproval of Bush's handling of the war.

Republicans in Congress "ask not" for whom the bell of 72% disapproval tolls--they know it tolls for them in the 2008 election. As a result, Republican leaders like Trent Lott are withholding their approval as well.

The President's speech is tonight. Perhaps Laura should bring his dog as a show of support.

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