Friday, April 11, 2008

Regrets: I've Had a Few

I regret that I haven't done much blogging this week.

Too much auditing to really blog.

But not as much as I regret that I didn't write anything about the flower pear trees of Morehead, KY while they were still flowering.

Morehead had a really beautiful white bloom of flowering pear trees this year. It was especially great at twilight.

But now the flowers are wilting and the seemingly ordinary green leaves have taken over.

But they won't be ordinary forever.

The leaves of the flowering pear tree change to a distinctive blood red at the end of the fall and the leaves of the flowering pear tend to change more unevenly than other trees.

The result is rows of flowering pear trees with red and green leaf patterns from the unequal changes. I thought I saw Dick Cheney's smirk in one of the flowering pear trees last year--the same smirk he used when he said Iraq would have 1,000 years of Democracy--or was that war.


Anonymous said...

Someone should nominate you for a Pisspoor Poetry Prize, Caric. Also known as the "Pee Pee."

Anonymous said...

Fuck you "other anonymous". Caric has more brains in his little finger than you and your neocon support group have in your heads. Check into rehab.