Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to RSI readers.

Op-ed Published. On Christmas Eve, my "Why I Like Santa Better Than Jesus" article appeared as an op-ed in the Lexington Herald-Leader. I was happy about getting the piece published and even happier about not getting any hate mail.

At least not yet.

Don't Poison the Dog. Last night, we left milk, cookies, and a little fudge out for Santa as we were cleaning up the house. Unfortunately, our dog Missy beat Santa to the fudge and cookies. Given that dogs do poorly with chocolate, we're lucky that she didn't get very sick.

The Dreaded Panoscopy Prep. Tomorrow, I do my prep for my panoscopy on Wednesday. For those who are not connoisseurs of panoscopies, a panoscopy is a colonoscopy where they also stick a tube down your throat to check for damage to the esophogus from acid reflux. Two uncomfortable procedures for the price of one.

Actually, the prep is the worst part for anyone who does not have colon cancer. Besides fasting for 24 hours on "clear liquid meals" and water, you have to take enough in the way of laxatives to clear out your colon for the procedure. And all of that clearing is done while sitting on the toilet.

Wish me luck. I'm going to need it.


Anonymous said...

jingle bells! jingle bells! jingle all they way! oh what fun it is to .... never mind.

best wishes on the -oscopies, congratulations on the editorial, and i hope you had very feliz navidad.

Ric Caric said...

Thanks Hipparchia. Here's my first hand surgery experience. I went into the surgery room. They stuck something in my mouth and told me to breathe through my nose. Four breaths later, I woke up in the prep room with everybody telling me how well I'd done. That was it.

a Merry Christmas to you too.