Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Optimism for the Dems

The Constitution of the U. S. was established in order that the federal government could "form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

The question for the Democrats in Congress is how are they going to further all the goals for which government was established in the United States. Do seeking articles of impeachment against President Bush, re-establishing the draft, and pushing for national health care "promote the general welfare" in any way?

All other things being equal, the answer would be yes. But, all other things are not equal. The U. S. has a strong activist right wing and pursuing an aggressively liberal agenda at this time would lead to the re-establishment of a Republican majority and more wars, higher deficits, the privatization of social security, abridgement of free-speech rights, and other disastrous consequences.

As long as the right-wing is a political threat, the most important way that the Democrats can serve the "general welfare" is to prevent the Republican Party--the party of the right-wing--from regaining majorities.

Given this consideration, Nancy Pelosi's extremely modest agenda is the best course for the Democrats. Pelosi wants to "raise the minimum wage, cut interest rates on college tuition, expand stem cell research, and make health care more affordable." That isn't going to do much to make the United States a better place to live, but success in pursuing this agenda would enable the Democrats to prevent the right-wing from making the U. S. a much worse place.

Right now, it looks like the Democratic leadership will have success getting this agenda through Congress and onto President Bush's desk. If she accomplishes this much, Pelosi will be doing the country a real service.

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