Friday, July 28, 2006

Testosterone Day

Floyd Landis--Landis is saying now that his testosterone levels have always been high. Very con-veeen-ient! But it doesn't wash. If his testosterone levels were always high, wouldn't he have been flagged for high testosterone levels before his super-human effort on the last day in the Alps?

The Israelis--The Israelis might not have as much testosterone as we in the United States think. It's beginning to look like they never planned on moving into Southern Lebanon with heavy forces to flush out Hezbollah. It seems like the plan all along was to launch a massive air terror campaign to destroy the Lebanese civilian infrastructure. The goal seemed to be collective punishment rather than the elimination of terrorist infrastructure.

Driving Around Baghdad--To the contray, it takes a lot of testosterone for American men and women to serve in Iraq where the primary mission seems to be serving as targets for IED's and rocket-propelled grenades. It seems that the only way we can locate the insurgents is to send some soldiers out in vehicles and have them drive around until somebody attacks them. Too bad the mission in Iraq has become such a mindless waste. Our soldiers deserve better.

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