Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dom Giordano's Talk-Show Urgency

Yesterday, I did the whole 600 miles from Philadelphia to Morehead and would have made decent time if I didn't have to take a couple of naps.

Having listened to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix all the way through Pennsylvania and Maryland, the cd player started skipping somewhere around Buckhannon, WV and I began looking for radio stations. After experimenting with some dreary baseball shows, what I got was radio talk show out of Philadelphia with Dom Giordano, a right-winger who was very concerned about the Iraqi parliament going on vacation this August. Talking from his air-conditioned station, Dom didn't want to hear any more about the 130 degree heat in Iraq, Iraqi parlimentarians suffering under Saddam, or the fact that Iraqis are used to taking vacations in August.

NO EXCUSES, Giordano emphasized. For Giordano, American troops were dying, so Iraqi legislators should be in Baghdad legislating.

Giordano was so emphatic about the Iraqi parliament because he knows the clock is running out on the war in the United States. Giordano divides the world into people who are "urgent" about the war and people who are "patient" about the war. Well, that's how he divides up the 25% of the population that supports the war. Giordano categorizes everybody else as "unprincipled Democrats."

Listening to Giordano though, I got the impression that "not giving in to the Democrats" is his main inspiration for continuing the war in Iraq. Giordano knows as well as I do that it wouldn't make any difference if the Iraqi parliament took a six-month vacation. They still wouldn't get anything done. But "surrendering" to the Democrats by giving up on the war is too intolerable to bear. So Dom's sticking with Iraq.

Otherwise, Dom and the rest of the right-wing would just be moving to the next war.


Anonymous said...

All you had to say was "college professor" and no other comment was needed. As if coming from the South makes any difference. I suppose you were "with" the Duke Professorial lynch mob last year. I hate Bush as much as the next guy but don't pretend to be anything but something you are not. Why aren't you driving a Prius anyhow. Your punishment was listening to "Potter" for probably the 12th time this summer.

Ric Caric said...

Question? Did you delete one of your established bigotries after you developed a bigotry against college professors? Or did your list of prejudices just get longer? At a certain point, I imagine that an efficiency principle would kick in so you could keep all the bigotries straight. But I'm not sure.