Thursday, April 26, 2007

If It Were Only Half a Glass

I WANT MORE! I've always been annoyed by the optimism question of whether you see a glass as half empty or half full. Why be satisfied with half a glass!

BUT TODAY IS DIFFERENT. I'd be kidding myself if I claimed that I'm even at half a glass. There's one foul up to correct, two final exams to make up, three classes to give, four senior seminar papers to read--five golden rings. But today is probably my last hell day for the semester. So, I'm going to look at the glass as 10% full rather than 90% empty.

There's optimism for you.

MY NEIGHBOR IS A TURKEY. There was the usual cacophony of bird singing when I went down to get the newspaper this morning. But I could hear a distinct "gobble-gobble" on the other side of the holler. A couple of years ago, I saw a turkey running back into the woods, but it's pretty clear that a gobbler has taken up permanent residence in this area. Very cool!


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