Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tom DeLay: Painfully Pathetic

Here's how Tom DeLay explains the ability of the House Democrats to get a majority to pass the Iraq funding bill with troop withdrawal deadlines last week.

You don’t get that many ‘Nays’ turned into ‘Yeas’ without the application of pressure. Committee chairmanships and assignments were undoubtedly leveraged, the exposure of dirty laundry was threatened, and the peril of political recrimination and assault were used as intimidation tools.

DeLay's evidence for his claims about the Democratic leadership--none, nothing, zero, nada, non-existent. No pithy quotes from the Republican leadership. No subtle allusions from GOP staffers. Nothing from the media or lobbyists. Nothing besides DeLay's not particularly vivid fantasy life. Nothing.

Maybe DeLay really did see too much opera during the good old days when he didn't have deny that Jack Abramoff was a friend.

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