Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Right Ponders Apocalypse

The American right proclaims the United States as a beacon for the whole world. But there's too much civil rights, gay rights, Miranda warnings, men getting fired for sexual harassment, and more than 100 languages in public school systems for right-wingers here. The right-wing doesn't believe in the United States anymore.

Instead, the right-wing has believed in Israel.

From the right-wing point of view, the Israelis are tougher, more determined, and consequently more virtuous than American government. They assasinate terrorists, kidnap terrorist leaders, and bulldoze the homes of those who support terrorists. If the Arabs attack the Israelis, they'll always do ten times the damage to you when they retaliate.

And the Israelis always win . . . easily.

However, the faith of the American right has been shaken now that the Israelis are not winning easily in Lebanon.

As a result, the right is becoming unhinged.

In today's column about Lebanon, the right-wing columnist Cal Thomas drifts toward genocide. Disagreeing with Bush's optimism, Thomas counters that Germany only accepted democracy after fire-bombing and Japan after being nukes with the implication that the U. S. will have to subject Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas to apocalyptic displays of power before they'll be brought to heel.Thomas does not stop to ponder the possibility that the American right-wing might be more of a threat to the world than Hezbollah or al-Qaeda. However, anyone dreaming of apocalypse while sitting on thousands of nuclear weapons has to be considered a real problem.

The American right is much more of a danger to the world than Hezbollah or Hamas will ever be.

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